


凡人修仙传_ 第六十七章 火弹术


Han Li, I suddenly lifted the right hand, I have already raised a finger, which is a little inexplicable.

But soon, in Han Li, the half-inch of the height, suddenly happened a slice of space fluctuations, and there were a short spark, and the sparks were just show, and they immediately “嗞 嗞”, In the spatial distortion, it has become a red fireball of walnuts, which is not large, but a hot high temperature, tight with the appearance of the small fireball, and filled into the whole room.

Han Li’s face still covers a book, sleeping, usually lying, only the small fireball in the fingertips does not have a “嗞! 嗞!” High-temperature burning sound, Compared with the static fingers, it looks particularly eye-catching.

Time in a fraction, the fireball still maintains its non-common powerful vitality, there is no one thing to go out, and Han Li finally has some different reactions, he has a fireball The fingertips are slightly shaking, starting just fingers, but over time, the wrist, the whole arm, and even the whole body is gradually shake.

Suddenly, Han Li sat up from Taishi Chair, and even the books on his face fell to the ground, they did not know.

He died two eyes staring at the small fireball on the fingertips, and his face was red. From the forehead to the skin of the neck, there is also a lot of small sweats, as if I have just finished doing a dramatic movement, and I have a hot air.

After the moment, the fireball began to shake in Han Li’s violent jitter. The above flame began to get bigger. After a while, it will be small, it can’t keep it calm, not long, it is finally changed, resend Mars disappeared in the air.

Wait until the fireball disappears, Han Li is like a ridge bone, immediately lying back in the chair, looks tired, and seems to have just made a lot of physical strength.

“This fireball is really difficult! I have studied my hard work in recent years, but I have not fully grasped its essentials, but I have extended it to the time it appears.” Han Li looked at the roof and self-speaking.

The last few pages of this Changchun’s cheats have also recorded several thick spells. These are known as entrance-level things in the immortals, let Han Li won the treasure, it is excited to sleep in a few nights. feel.

This is no wonder that he is so excited. Since several ways to see the Mo Dafu, Han Li is very interested in these incredible, powerful and unpredictable things.

But poor, today’s Han Li has a long spring skill of the sixth floor, but it is like a gold bowl to go to the meal, I don’t know how to do the best skills, even the most basic The spell principle is also unknown. But now I have found a few spells suitable for him, how can I not let him like it?

The spells recorded on the last page have five kinds of mouths such as “fireballs” “定 神” “Royal Wind”, “Control Materials”, etc., each sentence contained in these spells Han Li came to say that it is so ancient, it is difficult to understand.

This is no wonder that these oral words are spelling with some kind of ancient Chinese law, he has read a lot of books, but the accomplishment of this is really shallow. The meaning is naturally unable to receive it.

Under the helplessness, Han Li finally took out the desperate strength of Changchun, and took into various books on the book. There was a bitter study of the night without day. True, for each sentence, every word repeatedly, dozens of times tens of times, and be sure to do any ambiguity.

He has never learned any spells before, but it also knows that if this power is infinite, if it is wrong, it is much more powerful than what is the real gas, it is likely to be The child will have his life. For your own security, Han Li is so war, and I don’t dare to have slight tiger.
After three months of deep research, Han Li finally finished these mouthfuls, so he began a real spell practice below.

This actually learned, so Han Li’s hit is not small.
His bookIn order to learn the kind of intelligence of “blinking sword law”, learning spell should not be too difficult. Who knows that he has become very stunned in this, clearly knows its principle, but it is really when it is. How to do it is incorrect, not the way is wrong, it is wrong, or it is not in place, it seems that the whole person is docile.

Han Li has no way to this, if it is a problem, he still has a solution, and you can eat more debris to eat more.

This is obviously the problem he can’t master himself. It seems that his spell is not as good as it is imagined. This is the conclusion that Han Li has been working hard later.
After Han Li’s hard work, he finally had a small completion in “fire ammode” “heights”, but other three spells, he did not touch even the threshold, and the effect nor.
He is depressed, so I have to focus on “fire ammode” “Tianyu” these spells that can now be mastered, and they have a lot of hope for them.

Among them, the power of “fire mastic surgery” really did not let Han Li were disappointed, and even far beyond Han Li’s expectations.

Don’t look at “fireballs” is not large, but the terrible high temperature contained inside is almost invincible for all things.

Even the soldiers built by fine steel, after being hit by this fireball, the part of the blade is in contact with the blink of an eye into the iron juice.

After seeing this non-human terrible power, Han Li even throws the fireball to the water, and the water is like the oil, and it is not exposed at all by the fireball. The tendency to be restored by large water.

After thorough understanding of the power of “fireballs”, Han Li finally understood the remaining children, why did the proud attitude of the mortal.

I want to find a little spell, a small spell like “fireballs”, easily kills the so-called master famous in the rivers and lakes. Then, if you change a high-hearted cultivator, don’t sweep the whole rivers and lakes, the world is invincible.

The strength is so big, this is no wonder that the immortals such as the surplus children will look at ordinary people with the eyes of the antity.
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