


凡人修仙传_ 第六十四章 曲魂


Han Li feels the cold body temperature of the giant and the fingers, looking at the mouth of the Naku, but in the heart but in the guessing of Zhang Tie’s encounter.

Ten **, definitely a big gang with Yuzi, hijacked Zhang Tie, who has become “功”, and falsified the illusion of his leaving, deceived Qi Xuanmen Numerous eyes. Then in the dark, but use some kind of spell to make Zhang Tie soul, then make his body so weird, and the situation of “功” is very similar.

Han Li’s conjecture is very accurate, and the true situation is indeed.

In the same year, the doctor suddenly thought, intended to combine the “ivory” and the indexation of the remaining children, create a group of strong horizontal corpses that were headed by the rivers and lakes, but short time Inside, it has only been reached and made into this giant, and the Mo Dafu is treated by the treasure. It usually hides a hidden place in the mountain. When I returned to the mountain, I came back.

However, the surplus children have not interest in such a corpse that does not have three, and even the nose. Because he is still in the forefront, there are too many ways to uniform, and this corpse is more farther than the high-grade iron armor who is really cultivating the immortal. It can be presented in the secular room. The only advantage is that the materials are simple, refining is easy, and people who are slightly managed can be manufactured.
After a long time, Han Li suddenly put it back in the face of the giant, and took the eyes of uneasy from him, and his eyes looked at the tattered stone door and started the god.

In this moment, he felt that his heart was a bit cold, not for the coolness of Zhang Tie, but for his own indifference, no emotion.

He thought that he knew that his friends were in the miserse, and he would be angry with his head, and he was highly called “Mojore” “Yu Ji” name, and the sound is full of hate their anger. situation.

However, in addition to slightly sad, he did not touch and anger. It seems that this situation is not a friend “Zhang Tie”, but a passerby that is not coherent.
Is it because you knowThe Tie, who is in front of him is just a body, is not his own reason? Or is your own heart that has become very iron?
This kind of selfish and indifference makes Han Li have some fear. At this time, he found that I didn’t know when he had become so strange!

Han Li finally woke up from depends, he used a complex vision to see the giant Han, I don’t know how to call “he”.

I remembered that the “soul of the soul”, “walking dead”, “Walking Dead” said that Han Li is standing against the sky:

“Zhang Ge, I have to go back to the tire now. If you leave the body, you will use your younger brother to drive it! I will definitely use it, I hope you will not blame me. “

After saying this prayer, Han Li self Hypnosis is some, and he said to the giant Han:

“Since you are the body left in Zhang Ge, there is no self-owned soul, I will call you ‘soul’! I hope you can be in In the next day, help me with one arm. “

Listening to Han Li, the gigan stood in the stood, except for the harmonious colors, there is no slightest reaction, it seems really not There will be an autonomous god and can only accept commands passive.

“I actually say this to a flesh, I am really stupid!” Han Li shook his head, followed by a relaxed step, walked to the stone house.
“Summon, keep up.”

Han Li has recovered from the low emotions, and the look is as usual, it seems that something has not happened. It seems that he is indeed as he thinks, it has become an abnormal iron and reason, and it is no longer easy to be troubled by emotions.

This amazing change, I don’t know if Han Li, who is about to go to the cultivator, is a blessing?
For a period of time, Han Li is busy for half a day in order to make good things.

He not only burys the body of the ink, but also put the stone.All items remaining in the house are destroyed, and even the monarch will be smashed with the whole stone house, and the seven-zero eight faders are completely can’t see the original face. This is only willing to stop.

After this is tossing, the sky has arrived in the evening, and the sun has begun to go down.

Han Li standing in the stone house, now the rotten stone piles, I have gone all around, and I didn’t find any missing place. This is satisfied.
“Summon, let’s go!”

“There is still a lot of things tomorrow, to deal with it! Unfortunately, you don’t have gods, and you will not speak, otherwise there is a personal discussion. If I think, I think it will be more practical. “

Under the light of the sunset flaming, Han Li dragged the back of the slender back, and the mouth is 对 对” “The giant is saying that it is not stopped. It seems that I have found a good listener who can resent, and I will not complain about myself. At this time, he still looks out a trace of indifference and ruthless, completely and a neighbor. A boy is a look.
After the soul is arranged, Han Li returns to his residence. In the house, he is like a long-lasting life, to the four table and chair bench, touch this, look, there is also speech:

“This day is long. It seems that it will last forever. “

Then suddenly fell to the bed, and the head was sleeping.

He is very tired! Whether it is spiritual, it is still exhausted.
“However, it is really good to live alive!” He hanged a smile in his mouth and couldn’t help but think like this before going to sleep.
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